HSA Micron

Unique small controller and printer in one Ideal for repeat printing jobs

Micron ½” High-Speed Industrial Printer

Simplify Your Printing Process

The Micron ½” is a reliable and efficient industrial printer designed to streamline your production line. Simply create your print job on a PC and transfer it to the Micron via a USB stick.

Key Features:

  • Repeat Job Efficiency: Ideal for repetitive print jobs with consistent layouts.
  • Quick Job Changes: Easily switch between jobs by loading a new job from a USB stick.
  • Versatile Printing: Print counters, dates, times, fixed text, logos, and barcodes.
  • High-Speed Performance: Delivers rapid printing speeds to keep your production moving.

Elevate Your Production Line with Micron

Experience the benefits of a reliable and efficient industrial printing solution.

: +27 11 965 0823
: admin@signea.co.za